Leadership Love from LinkedIn

I ā¯¤ļø¸ to write, and these days, I mostly write on LinkedIn. I've included copies of my daily posts here for your convenience. Please enjoy these inspirations from all around the world of leadership and everything else that enters my brain.

How to Inspire Others Apr 08, 2021

A hot air balloon ride provides an unparalleled experience for both pilot and passenger.

While a balloon in flight may look like magic, the process is pretty straightforward:

1. The pilot sets up the balloon and uses a fan to blow air into it.
2. The pilot lights the burner.
3. The pilot repeatedly...

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What is Strategy? Apr 07, 2021

Strategy is the most ‘frequently used yet poorly understood’ management convention in organizations today.

If a manager wants to call attention to an initiative or influence resource allocation, they may simply slap a ‘strategic’ label onto it.

Yet if we took 5 minutes to...

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On Objectivity Apr 06, 2021

I was surrounded by total strangers, and I was absolutely mortified.

My shirt was untucked, my name tag was ripped, and there was dirt on my face.

My mind raced: What must the others be thinking?

I suppose they should be happy—they were the ones who did this to me.

We were participants in a...

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Leading with the Door Open Apr 05, 2021

I love it when people ask me about how and why I write as I do.

“Do you write your own stuff on LinkedIn?’
“Where do your ideas come from?”
“Does it ever make you uncomfortable to share so openly?”

The answer to the first is easy—yes I write my own posts.


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You're a Leader Apr 02, 2021

Don’t ever let anyone or anything tell you that you’re not a leader.

Not your boss, your co-workers, or your well-intentioned but misguided college friend who thinks you should play it safe.

Not your spot on the org chart or your job title or your current bank account balance.


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Fools Rush In Apr 01, 2021

The trap had been set—all I had to do now was wait.

As a 7-year old, my ill-advised prank was something straight out of the cartoons.

I had perched an open gallon of paint atop our refrigerator.

When one of my parents went to grab a snack they'd be doused with paint, and hilarity would...

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Hybrid Pipeline Mar 31, 2021

How will employers ensure a level playing for job seekers as workers—mostly—begin to return to the office?

This topic came up during yesterday’s “Talent Optimization Tuesday” on Clubhouse, and I have to admit that I have more questions than answers at this point.


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Extra 30 Seconds Mar 30, 2021

We can draw inspiration from today’s date.

It can serve as a reminder that small efforts make a big difference—in our relationships and in our results—over time.

On this 30th day of March, let’s take 30 EXTRA SECONDS to enhance our everyday interactions.

When I’m at...

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Growing Pains Mar 29, 2021

I took a deep breath and savored the salty morning air as I neared the end of my historic bike ride.

After more than 6 hours, my tired legs pedaled more out of habit than conscious effort.

My bike computer’s readout confirmed my achievement—I had just completed my first-ever...

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Day One Mar 26, 2021

What do you remember about your first day in your current role?

Perhaps it was the nervous energy you felt, the excitement to prove yourself, or the opportunity to make an impact in a new setting.

I love beginnings—there’s so much optimism and energy on that first day.


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Climbing the Ladder Mar 25, 2021

Career advancement is a team sport.

Organizations can support career advancement by creating visibility into internal opportunities, outlining required competencies by level, and publicizing “how it happened” promotion stories.

Bosses can ensure that each direct report receives an...

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Late Start Mar 24, 2021

I forgot to set my alarm last night, and I woke up an hour late.

I’m sure glad I did!

In order to lead at my best, I have to be at my best, and that begins with self-care.

I’ve been making significant investments in my mindset, eating habits, and physical fitness, and while it’s...

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